Monday, February 20, 2017

February 20, 2017: Broke!


Tudo Bem?? Well this week was great!!! It was pretty crazy because of the transfer.

SOOOO On Monday Elder Fernandes and I went around and he said goodbye to a few people and we ate some pizza. I guess for P-day we also played some ping-pong. I gotta say... I am getting pretty good. I am learning how to play like an Asian. Because it´s just better!
Picture of our District...Pretty COOL!

So then Tuesday morning at 6:00 we had to pick up my new companion at the bus station. 6:00!!!!! hahaa I LIKE SLEEP. Anyways we picked him up and went back to the house. Then Elder Fernandes (my old comp) packed up all of his stuff and said goodbye to the last few people. Then we dropped him off at the bus station. After that, we had to go to the center to get more money from the bank (because we are broke). So then we had to go to Malhado to help the other Elders pack up and leave to their new areas. Then, we went BACK to the bus station to drop off Elder Bair. THEN we went back to Malhado and helped the others with their bags. Then we went BACK to the bus station and helped the sisters leave and then we waiting for a different Elder to arrive because he was going to sleep over at our house and the leave for Unna in the morning and I know this is a run-on sentence but I don´t really care because we spent SOOOOOO much money and time going back and forth! hahaha But, it was good. 

A picture of a regular BBQ there. AND MAN Irmão Messias´s bbqs are soooo good!

After that this week was pretty basic. Nothing too crazy happened. haha I just showed my companion around the area and we taught some good lessons. Our two investigators progressing the most are Maria and Rafael. They just need to fulfill their commitments better. So pray for them that the Spirit may manifest to them that this church is true.

A picture of me because I guess people are forgetting what I look like...weird!

The highlight of my week was a talk that I read titled "A Celestial Manifestation" by Herbert Q Hale. It is very powerful. It talks about the spirit world. It touched me and opened my understanding on how vast and great the Plan of God is. I know that God Lives, that he loves us, and that The Plan of Salvation was made so that EVERYONE could have the opportunity to obtain Eternal Life. It just depends on us. Everything is set out for us. We just have to decide who we will follow. Don´t ever doubt your faith! If you have a question remember to always go to God, not to man. I love you all! Stay strong in Christ!

Elder Davis